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Products in Agrochemicals: Dip Treatment
29 Products found in Agrochemicals
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Plant Health, Nutrients & Soil Management
Crop Protection & Pest Control
Adjuvants & Formulation Ingredients
Seeds & Traits
Plant Health, Nutrients & Soil Management
Crop Protection & Pest Control
Adjuvants & Formulation Ingredients
Seeds & Traits
Applicable Crop
Formulation Type
Application Technique
Helena Agri-Enterprises
Helena Agri-Enterprises Opti-Amine
Herbicide Target Species:
Application Technique:
Sprayers, Aerial Application, Other Application Techniques, Chemigation, Ground Soil Applied, Dip Treatment, Foliage Applied
Opti-Amine is a unique 2,4-D amine, low odor formulation that features enhanced weed uptake for effective broadleaf weed control. It contains a specialized co-formulation system that increases the degree of 2,4-D uptake and enhances the absorption of other herbicides, such as glyphosate.
Nico Orgo USA
Nico Orgo USA BioMicro
Application Technique:
Seed Treatment, Dip Treatment, Chemigation
Labeling Claims:
Environmentally Friendly, Non-Toxic
BioMicro, a biological mix, is capable of mobilizing Iron, Zinc and Sulfur and making them available to the plant. This combination of selected and compatible bacteria acts to give essential micro-nutrients to the plant. Iron mobilizing bacteria efficiently make iron available to the plant.The metabolites secreted by microorganisms into the soil as strong chemical reagents and the activities of microbial enzymes are principal factors in this process. Sulfur Mobilizing bacteria – mobilize insoluble and chemically fixed sulfates and make them available to the plant Zinc mobilizing bacteria – play an important role in increasing the availability of Zn in soil, thus enhancing Zn accumulation. It fortifies the soil with bacterial metabolites . BioMicro produces many organic acids like Ferric acid, Nicotinic acid, Tartaric acid, Mallic acid etc. resulting in an overall increase in the availability of important micronutrients in the rhizosphere.
Pace International
Pace International SOPP Soap (CA only)
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment
Pace International SOPP Soap (CA only) is Fungicidal Cleaner for Citrus Fruit.
Engage Agro
Soil Conditioner, Growth Stimulant
Chemical Family:
Zinc & Zinc Compounds
Labeling Claims:
Application Technique:
Sprayers, Sprinklers, Chemigation, Ground Soil Applied, Dip Treatment, Seed Treatment
Cypher is a modified organic acid blend derived from plant active portions of lignin and leonardite ore. It is a patented product designed to condition soils and substrates which have lost momentum, become compacted or overloaded in bonded salts.
Helena Agri-Enterprises
Myco-Vam Bare Root
Fertilizer, Inoculant, Soil Conditioner
Chemical Family:
Botanical Extracts
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment
Mycovam is a concentrated inoculum containing both endo- and ecto-mycorrhizae fungi, which greatly expand the surface absorbing area of plant root systems to allow greater access to nutrients and water.
Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)
Chemical Family:
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment
Hormodin is a formulation of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). IBA is a synthetic auxin which acts as a root stimulant. HORMODIN 1 is a general purpose powder designed for the home gardener or commercial florist who propagates popular varieties such as roses, carnations, poinsettias, some species of shrubs, and most home, garden and greenhouse plants.
OHP 6672™ 4.5 F
Fungicide Target Species:
Rhizoctonia, Botrytis, Cercospora, Sclerotinia, Fusarium
FRAC Code:
Application Technique:
Foliage Applied, Sprayers, Ground Soil Applied, Dip Treatment
OHP 6672 is a broad-spectrum fungicide that demonstrates preventative, curative and locally systemic properties. OHP 6672 50 WP and OHP 6672 4.5 F are effective on a wide variety of ornamental diseases in the greenhouse, nursery, and turfgrass
Vestaron Corporation
Spear® T Liquid Concentrate
Insecticide, Miticide
Insecticide Target Species:
Whiteflies, Thrips, Mites, Psylla, Aphids
IRAC Code:
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment, Sprayers, Mists
Spear®-T controls four of the major greenhouse and nursery pests - aphids, spider mites, thrips and whiteflies - as efficiently as conventional insecticides, and with the safety and sustainability of biologicals. With an excellent safety profile for pollinators and other beneficials, Spear-T also has a short 4-hour restrictedentry interval (REI) and 0-day pre-harvest interval (PHI). The combination of these characteristics makes Spear-T a valuable new tool for greenhouse and nursery pest management, as well as a safe and versatile rotation partner in integrated pest management programs.
Nico Orgo USA
Nico Orgo USA N-Fix
Application Technique:
Seed Treatment, Dip Treatment, Chemigation
Labeling Claims:
Environmentally Friendly, Non-Toxic
N-Fix has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen for the plant. It has an associative symbiotic relation with graminaceous plants, thereby making available atmospheric nitrogen (30-50% of N requirement) to various crops. It secretes ammonia in the rhizosphere in the presence of root exudates, which helps nutrient uptake by plants. N-Fix has the ability to synthesize auxins, cytokinines, vitamins and growth promoting substances such as Thiamin, Riboflavin, Indole Acetic acid, Gibberellins, Nicotinic acid and Vitamin B. Its nitrogen fixing activity continues even after the existing sources of nitrogen have been exhausted. Presence of organic matter, cellulolytic microorganisms and small amounts of humus can further increase the efficiency of N-Fix.
Andermatt Group AG
Andermatt Group AG RhizoVital
Growth Stimulant
Application Technique:
Seed Treatment, Hydroponics, Sprayers, Ground Soil Applied, Dip Treatment, Chemigation
RhizoVital product-line offers a range of biostimulating microbial inoculants, containing spores of the naturally occurring soil bacteria Bacillus velezensis or Bacillus atrophaeus. The bacteria germinate in the soil and release enzymes which stimulate nutrient mobilization. RhizoVital supports the availability of plant nutrients which can lead to an increase in yield response. Tolerance towards stress caused by unfavorable climatic conditions and field management can be improved. Use RhizoVital as an integral part of a future oriented production strategy. Bacillus velezensis (different strains) can also be provided as raw material (e.g. for seed coatings/treatments, fertilizer formulation, substrate addition etc.).
Nico Orgo USA
Nico Orgo USA P-Sol
Chemical Family:
Phosphorous-based Compounds
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment, Seed Treatment, Chemigation, Sprayers
Labeling Claims:
Environmentally Friendly, Non-Toxic
Large amounts of phosphate fertilizers are used on a regular basis, but a large portion of applied phosphorus is quickly converted to the insoluble form and only about 20-25% of applied phosphorus is useful. A greater part of soil phosphorus is present in an insoluble form and hence is unavailable to the plant. Phosphate solubilizing microorganisms are capable of solubilizing Ca, Al, Fe phosphates as well as rock phosphates and mineralizing organic phosphorus, making the phosphorus present in the soil available to the crop. [↑ 15%].
Nico Orgo USA
Nico Orgo USA Bio Orgo
Growth Stimulant
Chemical Family:
Zinc & Zinc Compounds, Potassium Salts, Humic Acids, Iron & Iron Compounds, Phosphorous-based Compounds
Application Technique:
Foliage Applied, Dip Treatment
Labeling Claims:
Organic, Environmentally Friendly, Non-Toxic, Natural
BIO ORGO represents a formidable advance in harnessing bio-chemical growth stimulants for the benefit of agriculture, floriculture and horticulture. It boosts crop yield by enhancing growth at key stages of development. It is manufactured by controlled fermentation of young and succulent leaves aided by proprietary microorganisms. The finished product is a stable and balanced biological liquid concentrate that is rich in humic acids, amino acids and peptides, natural plant growth promoters (i.e. auxin and cytokinin), organically chelated macro / micro nutrients like Potassium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Iron, and Manganese.
United Turf Alliance
ArmorTech® TMI 2020 XL
Fungicide Target Species:
Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Alternaria, Botrytis
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment, Foliage Applied, Sprayers, Chemigation, Ground Soil Applied
ArmorTech® TMI 2020 XL Fungicide prevents and controls fungal diseases on ornamental plants grown in containers, fields or greenhouses, as well as fungal turf diseases on greens, fairways, trees and other turf sites. Product can be applied by chemigation or ground spray equipment. Compare to Bayer 26/36 Fungicide Fluid™ and Andersons Fluid Fungicide.
Actipol MIX U
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment, Fogs, Post-Emergence, Pre-Storage, Sprayers, Ground Soil Applied, Pre-Emergence, Weed Wiper , Spreaders, Seed Treatment, Hydraulic Nozzles, Chemigation, Mists, Aerosols, Foliage Applied, Lure & Kill , Other Application Techniques, Tree Injection, Electrostatically Charged Applications , Aerial Application, Sprinklers
Actipol MIX U effectively and quickly responds to the real needs of the plants. Ii ts extremely effective also when nutrients intake by the root system of plants is limited (drought, unfavorable pH). It is designed for foliar nutrition of plants and irrigation, and enrich RSM in micronutrients.
United Turf Alliance
ArmorTech® IP 238
Application Technique:
Foliage Applied, Ground Soil Applied, Sprayers, Dip Treatment, Sprinklers
ArmorTech® IP 238 is a fungicide recommended for control of spring, summer, fall and winter diseases on non-residential turf located on golf courses, sod farms and institutional areas where fine turf is grown, and on non-residential ornamental flowers and foliage plants grown in field and landscape nurseries or greenhouses, and in conifer nurseries.
Bures Professional
Bures Professional HUMATOR
Soil Conditioner
Chemical Family:
Humic Acids
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment, Fogs, Aerosols, Aerial Application, Hydraulic Nozzles, Spreaders, Pre-Emergence, Sprinklers, Foliage Applied, Hydroponics, Chemigation, Post-Emergence, Sprayers
Labeling Claims:
HUMATOR is a liquid concentrate of humic acids and fulvic acids. It is used to provide organic matter of slow degradation in the crop soil. It is a compound of organic molecules that slowly degrade with a high humic part and a smaller fulvic fraction. This combination allows HUMATOR to work in the medium and long term.
Buckshot™ spt
Growth Stimulant
Application Technique:
Sprayers, Ground Soil Applied, Foliage Applied, Dip Treatment
Buckshot™ spt is a liquid formulation designed for maximum uptake of the critical micronutrients. This formulation can be soil or foliar applied & is designed to promote and support vigorous root growth and development.
Activ ProAmin
Chemical Family:
Proteins, Peptides & Amino Acid Derivatives
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment, Fogs, Post-Emergence, Pre-Storage, Sprayers, Ground Soil Applied, Pre-Emergence, Weed Wiper , Spreaders, Seed Treatment, Hydraulic Nozzles, Chemigation, Mists, Aerosols, Foliage Applied, Lure & Kill , Other Application Techniques, Tree Injection, Electrostatically Charged Applications , Aerial Application, Sprinklers
Labeling Claims:
Activ ProAmin is a fully water-soluble fertilizer with high content of absorbable amino acids designed for foliar nutrition of crops, vegetables and orchards.
Bures Professional
Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, Micronutrient
Chemical Family:
Copper Salts, Iron & Iron Compounds, Molybdenum Compounds, Zinc & Zinc Compounds, Copper-based Compounds, Boron-based Compounds, Magnesium & Magnesium Compounds
Application Technique:
Foliage Applied, Sprayers, Pre-Emergence, Chemigation, Dip Treatment, Aerosols, Hydraulic Nozzles, Aerial Application, Hydroponics, Ground Soil Applied, Post-Emergence
Kelamix COMPLEX is a chelled, water soluble fertilizer, designed to prevent and correct the iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum lack in all kinds of farming in a fast and long lasting way. Due to its composition, Kelamix COMPLEX is specially indicated for intensive farming, where it must be dissolved in water through any kind of irrigation system. Kelamix COMPLEX is an ideal product to complement out-of-soil nutrient solutions
Nico Orgo USA
Nico Orgo USA BioAll
Application Technique:
Seed Treatment, Dip Treatment, Chemigation
Labeling Claims:
Environmentally Friendly, Non-Toxic
BioAll has the unique ability to enrich the soil with Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash. It efficiently fixes atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes insoluble and chemically fixed phosphates and has the ability to mobilize and solubilize soil potash and insoluble potash compounds thus making all three of these essential nutrients available to the plant in a ready, available form. It also enhances the availability of Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, Bo, Zn and Cu, among others, in the soil. BioAll provides the major nutrients (NPK) to the soil which results in higher yield. BioAll produces certain growth promoting substances such as Thiamine, Indol and Acetic Acid which help impart resistance to the plant from plant pathogens such as Alternaria and Fusarium. It produces organic acids like Citric, Tartaric, Malic which increase the availability of phosphates in the rhizosphere.
United Turf Alliance
ArmorTech® TM 462 F
Fungicide Target Species:
Botrytis, Colletotrichum, Cercospora, Puccinia, Erysiphe, Mycosphaerella, Fusarium
FRAC Code:
Application Technique:
Sprayers, Sprinklers, Chemigation, Dip Treatment
ArmorTech® TM 462 F provides control of a broad spectrum of diseases of bedding, flowering, herbaceous and tropical foliage plants, shrubs, trees and flowers, containerized woody shrubs and trees and turfgrass. Compare to Cleary 3336™F, Fungo, SysTech 1998®, Olympic 6672 and LESCO T-Storm.
AVIV™ Advanced Microbial Fungicide
Fungicide Target Species:
Botrytis, Colletotrichum, Septoria, Erysiphe, Mycosphaerella
Application Technique:
Pre-Emergence, Aerial Application, Chemigation, Ground Soil Applied, Dip Treatment
AVIV™ Advanced Microbial Fungicide V is a broad-spectrum biological fungicide for the prevention, control and suppression of soil-borne and foliar diseases on all agricultural crops. AVIV contains the active ingredient Bacillus subtilis IAB/BS03 which is a rhizosphere bacterium that quickly establishes beneficial colonies on the plant’s roots and leaves. It stimulates healthier roots, accelerates plant growth and activates the defense system of the plant. AVIV is non-selective. AVIV is most effective when applied prior to the onset of disease. Use AVIV in combination and/or rotation with chemical fungicides to enhance disease control. For use on labeled outdoor field grown food crops including vegetables, herbs, small fruits, berries and fruit and nut trees. Also for use in greenhouse plug production and hydroponics operations.
Nico Orgo USA
Nico Orgo USA K-Sol
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment, Seed Treatment
Labeling Claims:
Environmentally Friendly, Non-Toxic
K Sol is an eco-friendly bio-input which solubilizes and mobilizes the chemically fixed soil potash and insoluble potash compounds to an available form by separating them from the soil particles.It enhances the availability of Mn, Fe, Mo, Bo, Zn, Cu, etc. in the soil if present in a non-available form. It leads to early crop development by inducing early rooting and by aiding quick cell development in plants.
Pace International
Pace International SOPP Soap
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment
Pace International SOPP Soap is Fungicidal Cleaner for Citrus Fruit.
Bures Professional
Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, Micronutrient
Chemical Family:
Zinc & Zinc Compounds
Application Technique:
Foliage Applied, Sprayers, Pre-Emergence, Fogs, Chemigation, Dip Treatment, Aerosols, Spreaders, Hydraulic Nozzles, Aerial Application, Sprinklers, Hydroponics, Post-Emergence
KELAMIX Zn is a highly soluble zinc chelate in microgranule form, specifically designed to prevent and correct zinc deficiencies in any type of crop. Due to its composition, KELAMIX Zn is indicated for foliar application. It can also be applied directly to the soil through any irrigation system.
Application Technique:
Ground Soil Applied, Sprayers, Dip Treatment
Areca is a systemic fungicide that may be applied to a wide range of ornamental flowering and foliage plants as a foliar spray, drench, or as a dip for control of diseases caused by pythium, phythophthora, and downy mildew pathogens.
Pace International
PacRite® Fungaflor® 75 WSG
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment
PacRite® Fungaflor® 75 WSG is a water soluble granule (WSG) Imazalil fungicide for citrus fruit.
Pace International
PacRite® Penbotec™ 400 SC
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment
PacRite® Penbotec™ 400 SC is Effective Fungicide for Postharvest Decay Control of Citrus Fruits
Pace International
Shield-Brite® Shield-Brite® FDL 230SC
Fungicide Target Species:
Application Technique:
Dip Treatment
Shield-Brite® Shield-Brite® FDL 230SC is Postharvest Fludioxonil Fungicide for apples, pears, cherries and stone fruit.