Enhanced TDS
Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet
Identification & Functionality
- CASE Ingredients Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- CASE Ingredients Features
- Distinguishing Features
Additol VXW 6208 in comparison with the Additol grades XW 330, VXW 6200 and VXW 6205 is non-ionic. It can be used in all waterborne systems.
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Compatible Substrates & Surfaces
- Coating Type
- Use Level
- 3.0 - 10% inorganic, 15 - 50% organic pigment
- Special Properties and Uses
Additol VXW 6208 is a dispersing additive for organic and inorganic pigments and extenders. The binder-free pigment pastes are used in waterborne alkydand acrylic paint formulations, e.g. gloss and silk finish emulsion paints. Additol VXW 6208 permits the production of emission-free paints.
- Processing Information
The optimum quantity of Additol VXW 6208 to be added for the production of pigment- and pigment/extender-pastes must be tested out. One should use such an amount of additive, calculated on pigment or pigment/extender, at which the lowest viscosity of the blend results.
- Appearance
- Clear
Packaging & Availability
- Country Availability
- Regional Availability
Storage & Handling
- Storage and Handling
At temperatures up to 25 °C storage stability packed in original containers amounts to at least 730 days. Additives containing water may freeze or become inhomogenous at temperatures below 0 °C. Therefore such products ought to be stored frost-free. Lowest storage temperature: 5 °C