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Givaudan Ashwagandha Root PE 2.5% withanolides HPLC (ED842083)

Givaudan Ashwagandha Root PE 2.5% Withanolides HPLC (ED842083) features withanolides as its active component, derived from ashwagandha root. Suitable for both food ingredients and pharmaceuticals, this ingredient is ideal for nutraceuticals and supplements. It supports nutrition and fortification. Spray-dried and meeting halal and kosher standards, it is perfect for enhancing overall well-being in various food and nutrition markets, particularly in nutraceutical applications.

Ingredient Name: Ashwagandha Root

Active Component: Withanolides

Physical Form: Powder

Features: Spray Dried

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Food Ingredients Features

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Yellow tan to brown powder
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Extraction Solvent UsedMethanol (65-85%) / Water (15-35%)--
Native Extract Ratio (NER) 5 - 11/1-
Loss on Dryingmax. 8.0%I.R. balance (CQ-MO-018)
Particles (max. 80 Mesh, 175 micron)min. 95%Sieve (CQ-MO-023)
Withanolidesmin. 2.5%Withanolides by USP
Total Plate Countmax. 10.000CFU/gISO 4833-1: 2013
Yeasts and Moldsmax. 100CFU/gISO 21527: 2008
Methanolmax. 3.000CFU/gGC (CQ-MO-168)
Arsenicmax. 3.00mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Cadmiummax. 1.00mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Mercurymax. 0.10mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Leadmax. 2.0mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)
Heavy Metalmax. 10.00mg/kgICP (CQ-MO-247)-not including Chromium
Bulk Density0.42 - 0.77g/mlGraduated cylinder (CQ-MO-257)
Coliformsmax. 10CFU/gISO 4832: 2006
E. coliNegative/gISO 7251: 2005
SalmonellaNegative/25gISO 6579-1 2017
Bile-tolerant gram-negative bacteriamax. 100CFU/gISO 21528-2:2017 without confirmation
Temperature Conditions10 - 30°C-

Regulatory & Compliance

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
728 Days
Storage Conditions
  • This product should be stored in dry, preferably full, hermetically sealed.
  • Protect against light.