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Ahiflower® Seed Oil

Ahiflower® Seed Oil is a pure, plant-based oil that provides a uniquely balanced daily dose of omega-3-6-9 fatty acids, essential for health, vitality, and wellness. Unlike fish and flax, ahiflower contains GLA, an omega-6 associated with skin health, hormonal balance, and support for a healthy inflammatory response.

Brand: Ahiflower (5 products)

Ingredient Name: Ahiflower Seed Oil

Functions: Fat & Oil, Fatty Acid & Lipid, Supplement

Animal Species: Dogs, Horses, Pets, Rabbit

Ingredient Origin: Natural Origin, Plant Origin

Labeling Claims: Allergen-free, BSE-free, Ethylene Oxide-free, Halal, Kosher, Melamine-free, Nanomaterials-free, Natural, Naturally Derived, Non-GMO, Non-Toxic, PHO (Partially Hydrogenated Oil)-Free, Pesticide-free, Plant-Based, Solvent-free, Sulphite-free, Sustainable, TSE-free, Vegan, Vegetarian

Enhanced TDS

Knowde-enriched technical product data sheet

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Benefit Claims (Health)
Labeling Claims
Food Ingredients Features
Ahiflower® Seed Oil Overview

Ahiflower seed oil is a pure, plant-based oil that provides a uniquely balanced daily omega with an unparalleled combination of omega-3, 6, 9 fatty acids, essential for health, vitality and wellness.

  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Skin Care
  • Athletic Performance
  • Vegan & Vegetarian
The Ultimate Top Down Omega*

Plant power for your next omega-infused product.

Many think EPA and DHA are the end-all and be-all of omega supplements. However, there are only two essential omega fatty acids: LA & ALA. Your body can make every other omega fatty acid required from these two, provided the crucial nutrients are present and the enzyme that controls the first omega-3 and omega-6 metabolic reaction is functioning as it should. Ahiflower® supplementation enables the body to bypass the first difficult reaction, providing not only the top of the metabolic chain essential LA and ALA, but the next level of omegas (GLA and SDA) to keep your omega cascade going all the way toward healthy end-benefits.

Top Down Benefits

Ahiflower provides your top essential omegas (LA and ALA), just like flax. BUT, Ahiflower also provides GLA and SDA, so you can keep your “top down” cascade of benefits going if your D6D is not optimal. Your body can then convert SDA into the EPA and DHA it needs.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Advantages of Ahiflower® oil vs. Flaxseed oil

  • 75% greater adjusted* total omega 3+6
  • 18-20% SDA (Flax 0%)
  • 5-8% GLA, comparable to Evening Primrose oil (Flax 0%)
  • Converts to EPA up to 4X more efficiently

Advantages of Ahiflower® oil vs Chia oil

  • 55% greater adjusted* total omega 3 +6
  • 18-20% SDA (Chia 0%)
  • 5-8% GLA (Chia 0%)

Advantages of Ahiflower® oil vs Echium oil

  • 30% greater adjusted* total omega 3+6
  • 60% more SDA
  • More economical alternative
  • More pleasing sensory properties

Advantages of Ahiflower® oil vs Hemp oil

  • 40% greater adjusted* total omega 3 +6
  • 10X more SDA
  • 60% more GLA
  • More pleasing sensory properties

Advantages of Ahiflower® oil vs Microalgae oil

  • 18% total omega 6 (Microalgae 0%)
  • More economical alternative
  • Sustainable, non-GM, land-based sourcing
  • More pleasing sensory properties

Advantages of Ahiflower® oil vs Fish or krill oil

  • 5-8% GLA (Fish or krill oil 0%)
  • Does not contribute to depletion of marine stocks
  • No potential aquatic contaminants, heavy metals, or pollutants
  • Neutral taste and smell-and no "fishy” burps
  • Vegan/Vegetarian
Features and Benefits

AHIFLOWER® Seed Oil is obtained from the seeds of the Buglossoides arvensis plant from non-genetically modified organisms (non-GMO) through natural plant selection. AHIFLOWER® seed oil is uniquely rich in the essential fatty acids stearidonic acid (SDA) and gamma linolenic acid (GLA). The naturally-high unsaturated fatty acid content can impart an aroma characteristic of ALA-rich oils in certain applications. All crops are closely monitored and then processed to demanding standards to comply with Natures Crops International’s proprietary Crop Assured 365° system of quality control and traceability protocols.

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Pale Yellow Liquid
Typical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Acid Valuemax. 0.6mg KOH/gAQCS Cd 3d-63
Cold Test (at 0°C)min. 5.5hourAOQCS Ce 11-53
Colormax. 2.0 R-AOCS Ce 13j-97
Colormax. 20.0 Y-AOCS Ce 13j-97
Erucic Acidmax. 1%AOCS Ce 1h-05
lodine Value210 - 250cg/gAOCS Cd 1c-85
Moisture Contentmax. 0.2%AOCS Ca 26-84
p-Anisidine Valuemax. 15-AOCS Cd 18-90
Peroxide Valuemax. 5mEq/kgAOCS Cd 8-53
TOTOXmax. 20-2PV)+p-Anv
Unsaponifiable Mattermax. 1.5%AOCS Ca 6a-40
Fatty Acid Composition
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Alpha-Linolenic Acid C18:3 (ALA)42 - 48%AOCS Ce 1h-05
Free Fatty Acidmax. 0.3%AOCS Ca 5a-40
Gamma Linolenic Acid C18:3 (GLA)5 - 8%AOCS Ce 1h-05
Linoleic Acid C18:29 - 15%AOCS Ce 1h-05
Oleic Acid C18:16 - 14%AOCS Ce 1h-05
Palmitic Acid C16:04 - 7%AOQCS Ce 1h-05
Stearidonic Acid C18:4 (SDA)17 - 21%AOCS Ce 1h-05
Trans Fatty Acidsmax. 2%AOCS Ce 1h-05
Nutritional Information
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Protein Contentmax. 10ug/mlCBQCA; Rigby et al., (2011)
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Arsenic Contentmax. 0.1mg/kgICP-MS/ AOAC 993.14
Boscalidmax. 1.0mg/kgAs per USP
Cadmium Contentmax. 0.1mg/kgICP-MS/ AOAC 993.14
Dioxin Like PCBsmax. 1.25pg/gWHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ per EC 1881/2006 sec 5.12
Dioxins and Furansmax. 1.25pg/gWHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ per EC 1881/2006 sec 5.12
EnterobacterND per 10ml-CMMEF 8.62
Escherichia coliND per 10ml-MFHPE-19
Lead Contentmax. 0.1mg/kgICP-MS/ AOAC 993.14
Mercury Contentmax. 0.1mg/kgICP-MS/ AOAC 993.14
PCB 6-ICES Congenersmax. 40ng/gSum of PCB congeners 28, 52, 101, 138, 153, and 180
PCBs (209 Congeners)max. 0.09mg/kgUS EPA 1668 California Proposition 65
Pesticide residuesND-As per European Pharmacopoeia
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS)max. 10.0 total PAHug/kgbenzo(b)fluoranthene and chrysene at 10ug/kg.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS)max. 2.0 benzo(a)pyreneug/kgBenzola)pyrene: and sum of Benzola)pyrene, Benzolajanthracene,
Pseudomones aeruginosaND per 10ml-MFHPB-61
Pyrollizidine Alkaloidsmax. 1ug/kgHP/LC-MS; Cramer et al., (2013)
SalmonellaND per 10ml-MFHPB-20
Solvent Residues (Hexane)max. 1mg/kgJCSRG (Headspace GC/MS)
Staphylococcus aureusND per 10ml-MFHPB-21
Sum of Dioxinsmax. 0.75pg/gSum of Dioxins (WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ) per EC 1881/2006 sec 5.12
Total Aerobic Plate Countmax. 1000CFU/mlMFHPE-18
Total ColiformsND per 10ml-MFHPE-19
Yeast and Mold Countmax. 10CFU/mlMFHPB-22

Fortium® RPT40 IP (Kemin) is added at 1 mg/g (0.1%).

Regulatory & Compliance

Technical Details & Test Data

Test Data

Ahiflower® oil leads to greater EPA accrual in plasma and circulating cells vs. Flaxseed oil

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type

Available in 190 kg (419 Ib) FDA and EU approved epoxy-lined steel drums & 20 kg (44 Ib) HDPE pails, each capped with nitrogen.

Storage & Handling


Product is packaged under nitrogen gas. Shelf-life for unopened 190kg steel drums is 36 months from date of manufacture.
Shelf-life for unopened 20kg HDPE pails is 24 months from date of manufacture.

To ensure optimum quality, use cold or frozen storage (max 8°C) for long-term storage. Ahiflower oil is stable at ambient temperatures for limited periods of time (max 25°C). Headspace must be flushed with nitrogen after opening.