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DRT Purextract Company Logo
Vitaflavan® is a grape seed extract. With over 75% procyanidolic oligomers, it is the ideal candidate ingredient for venotonic formulations. Vitaflavan® improves quality of life and daily well-being for people suffering from lower limb discomfort by stimulating venous tone. Because mild venous insufficiency is often accompanied by swelling and unsightly oedema, Vitaflavan® helps to restore light and refined legs.

Ingredient Name: Grape Seed Extract

Labeling Claims: Naturally Derived, Plant-Based

Features: Improved Bone Health

    Knowde Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Ingredient Name
    Food Ingredients Functions
    Pharma & Nutraceuticals Functions
    Grape Seed Extract

    Features & Benefits

    Food Ingredients Features

    Applications & Uses

    Food & Nutrition Applications