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CravingZ’Gone® manages satiety, through the microbiota modulation, is an innovative way to deal with long-term, healthy weight management. In the last two decades, evidence about the role of microbiota in the metabolic engineering in general, and more particularly in weight regulation has accumulated, and it is now admitted that the gut microbiota plays a main role. Key mechanisms linked to the role of microbial metabolites in influencing hormonal profile, inflammation and functioning of the reward centers in the hypothalamus have strengthened the certainty that gut microbiota modulation is probably the next revolution in weight management therapies.

Ingredient Name: Galacto-Oligosaccharide

Functions: Fiber Source, Prebiotic, Weight Management Ingredient

Labeling Claims: Dairy-free, Lactose-free, Non-GMO, Plant-Based

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    Features & Benefits



    • Clinically-tested satiety-booster (*)

    Lactose- and Dairy- free

    • Suitable for vegan & lactose-intolerant people


    • Extracted from legumes
    • Non GM

    Very pure

    • > 95% GOS, even in powder form
    • Gently processed

    (*) Potential consumer benefits have not been evaluated by EFSA nor FDA and are not to be considered as health claims. They should be considered as potential leads that might be developed into health claims complying with the local legal requirements 

    Applications & Uses


    Weight Management and satiety boosting

    Recommended dosage: 6 to 12g/day

    CravingZ’Gone ® is:

    • perfectly soluble in water
    • tasteless and slightly sweet
    • perfectly stable at acid pH as well as to heat treatment

    This makes our ingredient very easy to formulate, in numerous forms: sticks, instant powder, ready-to-use beverages, nutrition bars, biscuits, etc.

    Mode of Action

    CravingZ’Gone® is very rich in galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), non-digestible soluble fibers well-known for their prebiotic activity. In contrast with insoluble fibers, commonly used in weight-loss food supplements, Olygose’s GOS do not “fill” the stomach but act on complex metabolic mechanisms by modulating intestinal flora: microbiota stimulates the synthesis of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs), activating a signaling cascade allowing brain control of satiety. This mechanism involves a pool of hormones like ghrelin, leptin, and peptides such as PYY and GLP-1-Cf

    Olygose CravingZ’Gone Mode of Action


    Technical Details & Test Data

    Proofs of efficacy

    Olygose completed 2 double-blind, vs placebo human studies to evaluate the impact of CravingZ’Gone® supplementation on appetite (2).

    In each trial, 4 groups of 22 overweight adults were supplemented with different α-GOS doses or formulations, for 14 days, without following any hypocaloric diet. Appetite scores were then evaluated on a VAS scale during a test-meal. After 14 days:

    • Appetite was decreased
    • Daily caloric intake was also reduced

    Results were statistically significant from 6g/day; with an optimum dose, evaluated for a 12g/day supplementation, the product also impacts weight and fat mass.

    Olygose CravingZ’Gone Proofs of efficacy

    CravingZ'Gone, by improving satiety, directly promotes reduced food intake and also aid compliance with healthy eating and weight management strategies, by decreasing sensations of hunger