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ROOFDX SL is a silicon-modified, aliphatic polyurethane coating that is extremely tough, flexible, and durable. The appearance of ROOFDX SL is similar to lead coated copper but does not contain any lead. ROOFDX SL is used as a finish coat over Andek products such as Polaroof NW, Polaroof RAC, and RoofdX Super, and in situations where the greatest similarity to lead coated copper is required, it may be used over RoofdX Copper. ROOFDX SL combines a unique mineral, micaceous iron oxide, with a blend of flaked metals including stainless steel to produce a dense complex barrier coating to protect against weathering, corrosion and chemical degradation. The surface of ROOFDX SL develops a silicon hammer finish which is extremely damage resistant and prevents dirt retention.
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