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Anhui BBCA International Cinidipine

Anhui BBCA International Cinidipine is a lipophilic dihydropyridine calcium antagonist, which can bind to the dihydropyridine site of the L-type calcium channel on the vascular smooth muscle cell membrane to inhibit the transmembrane influx of Ca2+ through the L-type calcium channel, thereby relaxing and dilating blood vessels Smooth muscle plays a role in lowering blood pressure. It can also inhibit the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve terminals and sympathetic nerve activity by inhibiting the transmembrane influx of Ca2+ through N-type calcium channels on the sympathetic nerve cell membrane. National Class II new drug. A new type of dihydropyridine calcium antagonist with both L-type and N-type calcium channel blocking effects, used for the treatment of essential hypertension.

Benefit Claims (Health): Anti-Hypertensive

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