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Axiom Foods Brand

Supplier:Axiom Foods
AvenOlait® (ah-VEEN-oh-ley) is nutritionally similar to whole, uncooked oats containing many of the same essential vitamins and minerals like folic acid, potassium, phosphorous, and magnesium. Produced since 2008, oat “dairy alternative” also contains complex carbohydrates for consistent/stable energy and plenty of insoluble and soluble fibers known to aid in satiety and promote a healthy digestive and cardiovascular system. The protein in AvenOlait® is a great alternative for those with soy or dairy allergies or those with vegetarian or vegan diets.Like whole oats, AvenOlait® oat dairy alternative is derived from Whole Oat, a phytochemical substance known to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease, and aid in longevity. These substances are naturally found in plant-based foods, with disease fighting and disease protection abilities.
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