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Telos95® is a nutritional ingredient that supplies powerful necessary elements to help the maintenance of healthy telomeres. The rising number of baby boomers will be more than 75 million in the 21st century. The demand for natural ingredients for prevention will surpass the demand for treatment. A daily supplement of Telos95® is the natural answer.

Benefit Claims (Health): Anti-Aging, Anti-Inflammatory, Cardioprotective

    Knowde Enhanced TDS

    Identification & Functionality

    Pharma & Nutraceuticals Functions

    Features & Benefits

    Product Highlights

    Telomeres are the biological clocks that are ticking from the day we are conceived until the day we die. When cells divide and replicate, we lose telomere length. Cellular reproduction is required on a regular basis to repair damaged tissue and to cope with stresses, both good and bad. When telomeres are reduced to approximately five thousand base pairs, our cells become Senescent ( a retirement like state in which they die or no longer divide) and die.

    Telomeres are defined as the protective tail at the end of a chromosome structure that conveys the genetic material information of our cells. Telomeres keep our chromosomes intact and functioning to reproduce cells. They are believed to be a key to healthy aging. Telomere length is very essential for good health. Having long telomeres can be an indication of a healthy individual.

    Telomere shortening is correlated with human disease and aging. Short telomeres impair the ability of healthy cells to divide and function properly. Longer telomeres are associated with healthy cell replication and longevity.

    Aging affects the telomere shortening in two ways:

    a) As we age, the body's ability to re-produce the key nutrient Telomerase Enzyme protein slows down, (this enzyme is responsible for the maintenance of telomere health & length) and become shorter and shorter, until they become too short to have the ability to protect DNA to replicate causing the aging cells or cell death.

    b) Much of this damage is caused by free radicals: unstable molecules created when the body uses oxygen. Research shows that short Telomeres may be linked to the causes of many serious diseases and cause premature aging.

    TeloYear Age™ is the DNA health test of our Cellular Age. It lets you track it based on your telomere length.
    Your telomere length tells you your age in TeloYear which maybe older or younger than your real age.

    Telos95® is validated by human clinical trials to significantly reduce your TeloYear cellular age.

    Studies show shorter telomere length is associated with:

    • Osteoporosis and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis
    • Cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes
    • Cognitive impairment and dementia

    Applications & Uses

    Technical Details & Test Data

    Life Length Clinical Study

    Cutting edge European study on Telos95® in Vitro was conducted by Life Length Laboratories which is recognized as one of the leading academic telomere research centers in the world. Followed by Human Clinical Study by Princeton Consumer Research using "CAWTHON QPCR ASSAY" which verified the effectiveness of Telos95® that decreased the TeloYear age by up to 8.52 years. The implications of Telos95® for longevity are a leap forward in the science of aging.

    Telos95® Clinical Study

    Certified Nutraceuticals Telos 95 Telos95 Clinical Study

    This Histogram represents the mean and standard deviation of Telos95®.

    MTL: median telomere length
    T0: time zero, T5: 5 days, T10: 10 days
    C1, C2, C3 correspond to the different concentrations of Telos95® as described in Materials and Methods.
    "0" corresponds to untreated cells.

    * = Effect is statistically significant compared to untreated cells at the same time point.

    2018 Human Clinical Trial

    Telos95® Decreases TeloYear Cellular Age by as much as 8.52 Years

    Change in TeloYear Age™ - Randomization A

    Telos95® Capsule Once Per Day

    Certified Nutraceuticals Telos 95 2018 Human Clinical Trial - 1

    Average Telemore Length Randomization A
    Pre Use Test Article 0.85
    Post Use Test Article 0.95
    P-value 4.19E-02

    Change in TeloYear Age™ - Randomization B

    Telos95® Capsule twice Per Day

    Certified Nutraceuticals Telos 95 2018 Human Clinical Trial - 2

    Average Telemore Length Randomization B
    Pre Use Test Article 0.82
    Post Use Test Article 0.94
    P-value 1.75E-03


    Average TeloYear Age™ Decrease
    A -7.43
    B -8.52
    P-value 7.42E-01

    CONCLUSION: A total of fifty (50) subjects completed all aspects of the study. Group A decreased their TeloYear Age™ on average by 7.43 years. Group B decreased their TeloYear Age™ by 8.52 years.