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All Natural Shampoo & Body Wash


All Natural Shampoo & Body Wash

Phase A
Campo Plantservat ive WSr
Ross Organics0.50
Deionized Water
Plantaren 2000 N UP
Andean Q Ul t ra
Desert King1.00
Nat rosol 250 HHR CS
Hercules / Aqualon0.80
Phase C
Orange / Lavender Essent ial Oi l
Bel l Flavors & Fragrance0.30
Phase B
Glycerin 99.7% USP
Barsolve NS-100
Barnet / DD Chemco0.90
Phase D
Ci tric Acid 50%

  1. Add water to mixing vessel.
  2. Slowly add Natrosol to water.
  3. Mix until Natrosol is well dispersed. Continue mixing while adding Plantservative.
  4. Mix batch until smooth gel is formed insuring batch is lump free. Continue mixing while adding the remaining ingredients in Part A in order shown.
  5. Premix Part B and heat to 55°C.
  6. Mix until uniform.
  7. Add Part C to Part B. Mix until clear and uniform.
  8. Add Part B/C to Part A. Mix until uniform.
  9. Add Citric Acid in increments to achieve specified pH. Mix until uniform.


  1. Appearance: Clear liquid gel.
  2. Color : Amber.
  3. Odor: Characteristic of base.
  4. pH: @ 25°C: 5.0 - 6.0
  5. Viscosity: @ 25°C: RVT: 900 - 2,000cP Spindle 3, 20 RPM.
  6. Specific Gravity: @ 25 C: 0.98 - 1.02
  7. Microbiology: <10 CFU/gram, No Pathogens.