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PREMIUM® FRUCTO is a Saccharomyces bayanus strain which is particularly resistant to alcohol, sulfurous dioxide and different pH levels and temperatures. Furthermore, its capacity to absorb fructose better than any other yeast strains used in wine-making is particularly important.

Ingredient Name: Saccharomyces Bayanus

Functions: Yeast

End Uses: Wine

Technical Data Sheet
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Identification & Functionality

Ingredient Name
Food Ingredients Functions
Saccharomyces Bayanus

Features & Benefits


It is well-known in fact that in case of stuck fermentation, fructose is an abundant residue and is usually hardly assimilated by the yeast; highly fructophyllic. For this reason, the product formula has been thoroughly studied by Enologica Vason in association with ENSAM, Montpellier.

Applications & Uses

Food & Nutrition Applications

Because of its characteristics, PREMIUM® FRUCTO is recommended for new wines in case of stuck or difficult fermentation. It is also recommended to prevent stuck fermentation for high alcohol wines. When used as second yeast in sequential fermentations, PREMIUM® FRUCTO gives excellent qualitative results, also in case of adverse conditions.

Directions For Use

Dissolve the recommended yeast dose in 10 doses of warm (40°C) water with 1-2% sugar. After 30 minutes mix the solution, then gradually add filtered and sulphited must, avoiding abrupt temperature decreases. In order to ease the multiplication of yeast cells the substrate should not contain more than 2% sugar and should be well ventilated. During this step, the use of complex fermentation activators such as V ACTIV PREMIUM® is recommended. Once the yeast is rehydrated and going through active fermentation, it can be added to the wine ready for fermentation. It is recommended to add must gradually to the bulk of reactivated yeast, which had been previously transferred into fermentation tank.
For a correct use in case of refermentation and fermentation stuck, please ask our Technical Service for instructions.

Safety & Health


Based on the current European regulations the product is classified: not hazardous.

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type

The product is vacuum-packed in 500 g coupled bags and 10 kg bags.

Storage & Handling

  • 50-100 g/hL for stuck fermentation.
  • 20-30 g/hL for passito wines or high alcohol wines, according to the procedures of sequential fermentation.

Store the product in a cool and dry place so that it may preserve as indicated in the best-before date. Close the bag properly after use and use the product as soon as possible.