Everflux Technologies Company Logo

Everflux Technologies

About Us

"Through cutting-edge microbial products that can replace chemical fertilizers and educational programs for farmers, Everflux is removing barriers to adopting regenerative practices. One of the biggest obstacles for farmers making the transition is the yield loss that comes with removing chemical fertilizers from their program. Products like Bioflux and Terraflux have been proven to maintain conventional-level yields, without any of the side effects (nutrient run-off, salt build-up) while helping farmers begin regenerating their soil. Everflux was inspired by the concept of Cradle to Cradle; the idea that all products and materials we use in modern society could have a never-ending life cycle. Imagine a world where, when something no longer serves it's original purpose, instead of discarding it, we could transform it into something else useful. This kind of resourcefulness is not just good for the planet and for future generations. It's good for the bottom line today. Where there is waste, there is inefficiency. Where there is inefficiency, there's money lost. Everflux see's the ""waste"" around us as an opportunity to create something new."

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