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540 g/litre glyphosate as the isopropylamine salt in the form of a soluble concentrate 1000 g/L trisiloxane alkoxylate 750g/kg tribenuron-methyl in the form of a water dispersible granule diamba 480 g/litre.Controls many annual and perennial grasses and weeds.

Functions: Herbicide

Herbicide Target Species: Broadleafs

HRAC/WSSA Group: 4

Application Technique: Sprayers

Formulation Type: Emulsifiable Concentrates

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Knowde Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Agrochemical Functions

Features & Benefits

General Information

Synergy™ Glyphosate 540 is a non-selective herbicide for use in agriculture and horticulture: • Before planting crops and trees • In pasture renovation and reduced tillage systems • For pre-harvest weed control • In vineyards, orchards and market gardens • In drains and waterways Synergy Glyphosate 540 is absorbed by green plant tissue, and is translocated throughout the plant, including the root system, to kill the entire plant. Plants should be actively growing, not under drought stress, and have clean foliage at the time of spraying. The product degrades in the soil and has no residual weed control activity. Synergy Glyphosate 540 does not have adverse ecotoxic effects on fish or crustacea. Visible effects may not be apparent for 14 days depending on weather conditions, weed species and rate of application. Some perennial weeds may not show effects for 2 - 3 weeks.

Applications & Uses

Application Technique
Herbicide Target Species

Exclude non-essential people from the area. Wear protective clothing and prevent material from entering waterways. Absorb spill with inert material such as soil, sand, etc, and place in waste container. Wash area with water, and absorb with further inert material. Dispose of safely to a suitable landfill.

Directions For Use Rates of Application And Timing

Refer to table. Rainfall within 2 hours of application may reduce effectiveness. The rainfast period can be reduced to 20 minutes if used in conjunction with a penetrant. Application to foliage which is already wet will increase the time required for rainfastness.


Application Methods

Boom equipment: Application can be made in spray volumes up to 200 liters/ha using fan nozzles at pressures in the range of 200 – 280 kPa. Boom height should be set so that a double overlap of nozzle pattern is achieved at the top of the target plants. Aerial equipment: Applicable to forest and non-crop areas only. It can be applied by aircraft in spray volumes of up to 100 liters/ha. Increase spray volumes in hilly terrain to ensure maximum target contact. Do not use in intensive horticultural cropping areas. Handgun and Knapsack: Ensure a fine spray pattern to give complete coverage. For handguns, use pressures of 1000 – 2000 kPa and No. 4 to No. 6 spray tips. Mistblower: Refer to table. Wiper Equipment: Pre-mix 1 part Synergy Glyphosate 540 in 3½ parts clean water to make a 22% solution. Mix only enough for immediate use. Plants must be clean and dry and the wiper fully saturated. Apply up and down slopes for effective applications.


Fill the clean spray tank with half the required amount of clean water. Add Synergy Glyphosate 540 as required and mix well before adding the remaining water. If penetrant is required, add this last to minimize foaming. Agitate well before spraying. When tank-mixing with other chemicals, add Synergy Glyphosate 540 after suspension concentrates, such as SimatopTM 500FW (simazine), and other water-soluble concentrates. Soil particles and hard water containing calcium salts deactivate Synergy Glyphosate 540. If hard water cannot be avoided, the addition of a pH Buffer is recommended.

Withholding Periods

It is an offense for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the Food Notice: Maximum Residue Levels for Agricultural Compounds. Poisonous plants, such as ragwort, may become more palatable to stock after spraying, and livestock should be kept away until plants have died down. Otherwise, withholding is not required for stock grazing. However, it is recommended that grazing is delayed for one day for annual weeds, and three days for perennial weeds. This will allow Synergy Glyphosate 540 to penetrate the weeds for maximum effectiveness.

Weed Control Notes

Agricultural Areas: May be used for the control of annual and perennial weeds as indicated in the Weeds Controlled Table prior to sowing any crop. Asparagus: Pre-crop emergence and post-harvest applications. Apply prior to planting or crop emergence. Do not treat emerging spears. Application can also be made after removal of all spears but before crop regrowth occurs. In established ferns, apply as a directed or shielded spray or with wiper equipment. Do not allow spray, spray drift or the wiper surface to contact any part of the asparagus plant. Broad-acre Crops: Wheat, barley, oats and threshing peas. Can be used to control weeds prior to cultivation or prior to harvest. Spray 7 - 12 days prior to harvest when the grain moisture is less than 30%. Do not harvest within 7 days after spraying. Do not spray undersown crops. Do not spray crops that will be harvested for seed. For threshing peas: Apply 7 - 14 days prior to harvest when the pods have dried. Avoid treating plants under drought stress. Drains and Waterways: For best results ensure that 75% of the weed to be sprayed is above water level. Avoid treating silt-laden weeds. Following spraying do not submerge the weed, as this will cause the herbicide to be washed off. Forestry: For the control of grasses and weeds as listed in the Weeds Controlled Table. Can be applied for weed control prior to burning or planting of forest or nursery or around already established trees. Do not allow spray or spray drift to come into contact with foliage or green bark of desirable trees. Industrial and Non-Agricultural Areas: Treat specific problem weeds as indicated in the Weeds Controlled Table. Do not allow spray drift. Market Gardens: Apply before or after seeding but prior to crop emergence. Spraying can also be made prior to transplanting or as a post-harvest clean up. For longer-term control of seedling weeds it may be tank mixed with an approved residual herbicide such as Simatop 500FW (simazine) in accordance with label recommendations. Minimum Tillage: For total weed control prior to seeding in a reduced tillage system. Weeds should be actively growing and not under stress from frost, drought or waterlogging. For the improved control of white clover, tank mix with Bandit® (dicamba) at 625 mls/ha, or Synergy Tribenuron 750. Do not plant legume crops within 28 days of applying dicamba. If using with Synergy Tribenuron 750 - Do not sow crops within 14 days of application, or sow brassicas if the soil pH exceeds 6.5, or use within 2 months after applying lime. Consult partner product label for further directions. Cultivation may start from 1 day after spraying annual weeds, and 3 days after spraying perennial weeds. Cultivation should occur within 21 days after spraying. Do not sow until a satisfactory seedbed is formed. Orchards/Vines: Crops: Citrus, apple, pear, stonefruit, kiwifruit, grapes. Apply as a directed or shielded spray. For long term control of annual weeds, Synergy Glyphosate 540 may be tank mixed with an approved herbicide for residual control. Do not apply near unprotected trees less than 3 years old. Do not allow spray or spray drift to contact any part of the stonefruit tree, or green bark, suckers, buds, foliage or fruit of other trees. Spray before crops bud, sucker or bloom. Pasture: For the control of existing pasture prior to renewal. For seedhead suppression on unimproved pasture. Synergy Glyphosate 540 may be used for pasture topping to control the growth of pasture grasses by maintaining the vegetative growth stage and delaying flowering. Apply 180 mL/ha in spring at early grass seedhead emergence. Do not use penetrant. Do not use if soil moisture levels following application are too low for pasture growth. Do not use on ryegrass or on other improved pasture as suppression may occur. Brownout will occur, but this will be temporary until the pasture grows back. Grazing may commence 3 days after treatment, but for best results, grazing should be delayed for at least 21 days after treatment. As treatment will restrict grazing, limit the area to be treated. For a spot application to control a wide range of weeds. It is non-selective and may damage or kill any plant in the sprayed area. Recreational Areas: Lawns, turf, parks, reserves and ornamentals. Apply before the sowing and planting of these areas, or use as a spot application. In mown areas, allow sufficient regrowth before spraying. Can also be sprayed around the base of established trees or shrubs, as a directed or shielded spray. Avoid contact with any part of the shrub or tree. Silage or Hay: Synergy Glyphosate 540 can be applied before cutting silage or hay where the paddock is to be renewed or used for cropping afterwards. Apply 2 – 2.7 L/ha + penetrant at 100mL/100L of water. Use the high rate on perennial ryegrass or where silage is rank or lodged. Some regrowth may occur if silage is lodged at the time of spraying. For specific weeds, a higher rate may be needed (Refer to table). After spraying, leave for at least 4 days before cutting and cultivation. Grass quality will be maintained into the early stages of brownout. If spraying occurs after cutting, wait until there is at least 5 – 10 cm of actively growing green leaf on all tillers before spraying.

Resistance Management


Synergy Glyphosate 540 contains the active ingredient glyphosate, which belongs to the glycine chemical group. Some naturally occurring weeds may become resistant when excessive use of the same herbicide occurs. Consult for alternative modes of action and details of resistance management strategies (if any) for the weeds or crops listed on the label.

Weeds Controlled Table
Weed Boom/ Aerial liters/ha Handgun vol ml/100 liters Knapsack ml/15 liters Mistblower ml/10 liters When to Apply
Annual weeds (Seedlings) 0.7 - 1.3 140 20 40 Use the higher rate for larger weeds. For residual control may be tank mixed with Simatop 500FW (simazine).
Australian sedge 4 – 6 (aerial) 670 100 200 Apply from November to March. Burn or slash from 30 days after treatment.
Barberry - 670 100 200 Apply from flowering to late fruit stage (January - April). Regrowth should be 1.5m tall before spraying is carried out.
Barley grass 0.7 140 20 40 Apply when plants are at early seedhead stage. (September - December). Simatop 500FW (simazine) may be tank mixed for residual control.
Blackberry 6 – 13.3 1000 100 200 Apply from flowering-fruiting stage (December - April), before frosts occur. For hard to kill blackberry, aerial application, or no follow-up action planned, use the higher rate. Allow 6 - 10 weeks before slashing or burning.
Boxthorn - 850 100 - Apply to actively growing plants (November - April). Ensure complete coverage of dense thickets. Do not use extra surfactant, or treat salt damaged bushes.
Bracken/ broom 6 + 250ml/100L Penetrant (min 500mL/ha) 670 + 200ml/100L Penetrant 100 + 30ml Penetrant 200 + 20ml Penetrant Apply after bracken fronds have unfurled (mid January - June), but before frosts occur. For ground application to broom anytime, but for aerial application when broom is in full leaf.
Browntop 4 670 100 200 Apply when plants are 5 - 10cm high. For taller plants, graze or burn and allow regrowth of 5 - 10 cm height before treatment.
Buddleja 6 670 100 - Apply using handgun anytime. Aerial-treat buddleja up to 2 meters high (February - April) using spray volume of 200 - 300 liters/ha.
Californian thistle 2.7 670 100 200 Apply after flower bud development. Retreatment and/or cropping or pasture improvement may be necessary to restrict re-establishment from seed. Mowing thistles 10 days after spraying may assist control.
Cleavers 1 330 50 100 Spray actively growing plants after most reach early seedhead
Couch 2 – 4 670 100 200 For suppression, apply 2 liters/ha in spring and repeat in autumn. For best results, apply 2.7 – 4 liters/ha in autumn to active growth of at least 10cm where no previous cultivation has occurred for at least 6 months
Docks 2.7 – 6 670 100 - Spray plants in spring or summer when actively growing and before seedheads have formed. Use the lower rate for seedlings and the higher rate for mature plants. In pasture situations boom spray prior to re-seeding or establishing crops to restrict seedling re-establishment. Under trees or vines may be tank-mixed with Simatop 500FW (simazine) for residual seedling control.
Floating sweet grass 4 670 100 200 Spray actively growing plants after most reach early seedhead. Spraying plants under drought stress may give reduced results
Gorse - 670+ 200ml/100L Penetrant - - Apply anytime ensuring complete coverage of plants not stressed by drought, grazing or previous herbicide treatment.
Indian doab 6 670 100 - Apply at early seedhead stage before frosts occur
Johnson Grass 4 670 100 200 Apply when actively growing
Kikuyu/Mercer grass 4 670 100 200 Apply at early seedhead stage. On dense infestations, cut and spray the regrowth.


Weed Boom/ Aerial liters/ha Handgun vol ml/100 liters Knapsack ml/15 liters Mistblower ml/10 liters When to Apply
Nodding thistle - 670 100 - When applying by wiper ensure plants are actively growing (October - April) when at least 10cm of the plant can be wiped. A double pass is recommended and follow-up with spot treatments if necessary.
Old mans beard 3.3 670 – 1350 200 - Apply November - March prior to first leaf browning. Use higher rates on stems over 1cm in diameter. If complete coverage is not possible plants should be cut at ground level in winter and the regrowth sprayed with the higher rate when plants are at least 50cm long (March).
Pampas grass/toetoe - 670 100 - Spray Spring - Autumn. Reduced control may result if plants are in flower at the time of spraying. Ensure complete coverage
Paspalum 2.7 – 4 670 100 200 Spray at low rate if plants are at early seedhead stage. Use 4 liters/ha on mature vegetative plants, before onset of frosts.
Potato (self set) 2 330 50 100 Spray actively growing plants after most reach early seedhead.
Prairie grass 1 140 20 - Apply at early seedhead stage.
Ragwort 4 670 100 - Spray when actively growing and ensure there is sufficient leaf area for herbicide uptake. When applying by wiper use on plants 10 - 15cm above the pasture. For best results, a double pass is recommended with a follow-up spot treatment if necessary. Caution: Ragwort becomes more palatable after treatment. Keep stock away from treated areas until plants brown-of
Ratstail 3.3 670 100 - Apply at a spray volume of 200 liters/ha in autumn. In dry conditions, delay spraying until sufficient green foliage is present.
Rautahi (cutty grass) 4 670 100 200 Spray to actively growing plants from January - March. Burning or slashing may begin 30 days after treatment following brown-of
Ring fern 0.7 - 2 200 35 - For effective control, apply 2 liters/ha. For pasture manipulation, apply 0.7 - 1.4 liters/ha from December - April. Use higher rates for dense infestations. Burn 4 - 6 weeks after treatment.
Rushes 4 670 100 200 Burning or slashing may begin 30 days after treatment following brown-off. Wiper application to be carried out in November - May.
Ryegrass (annual, Italian, short rotation hybrids) Established < 8 months Established > 8 months 2 – 2.7 + 100ml/100L Penetrant 2.7 + 100ml/100L Penetrant 670 + 100ml/100L Penetrant 670 + 100ml/100L Penetrant 100 + 15ml Penetrant 100 + 15ml Penetrant 200 + 10ml Penetrant 200 + 10ml Penetrant Spray to actively growing plants with at least 5 - 10cm of green leaf. A higher rate may be necessary that reflects the weed spectrum present.
Ryegrass (perennial) 2.7 + 100ml/100L Penetrant 670 + 100ml/100L Penetrant 100 + 15ml Penetrant - Spray to actively growing plants with at least 5 - 10cm of green leaf. A higher rate may be necessary that reflects the weed spectrum present.
Sweet brier 8 + 250ml/100L Penetrant (min 500mL/ha) 670 + 200ml/100L Penetrant 100 + 30ml Penetrant - Spray when plant is in late flowering to early leaf yellowing stage. Ensure full coverage.
Tall fescue 4 670 100 200 Apply January - March to active growth
Willow 6 670 - - Apply before leaf fall begins (January – April). Total spray coverage is essential for best results
Yarrow 2 – 4 - - - Apply to plant with 5 – 10cm of leaf. For best results cultivate 10 days after treatment. Use the low rate when a crop to be drilled is competitive to yarrow and the higher rate when it is a poor competitor.



Technical Details & Test Data


Synergy Glyphosate 540 is compatible with commonly used herbicides.

Safety & Health


APPROVED HANDLER: This product must be under the control of an approved handler if applied onto or into water (otherwise not required). STORAGE: Keep out of reach of children. Store in the original, tightly closed container, in a secure place away from feed or foodstuffs. Avoid temperatures below -5°C and above 35°C. Storage of certain quantities of this product trigger specific storage requirements (Refer to Safety Note). When stored appropriately this product should show no significant degradation for two years from the date of manufacture. Contact your supplier for further information about the use of product that is older than this. PERSONAL PROTECTION: Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Avoid inhalation of spray mist. When mixing or applying, wear overalls, boots, gloves and eye protection. Clean protective equipment daily after work. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using. Remove protective clothing and wash hands and face thoroughly before meals and after work. USE: Apply with well maintained and calibrated spray equipment. This product should only be mixed, contained in or sprayed by, equipment made from stainless steel, fiberglass, plastic, aluminum, brass or copper. A highly flammable gas may be formed from the contact of this product with galvanized or unlined steel. All spray equipment, including pumps, spray tanks, lines, nozzles, and landing gear (aircraft) should be thoroughly washed with water after each day of spraying. DISPOSAL: Dispose of this product only by using in accordance with this label, or at a suitable landfill. Triple rinse container and add rinsate to the spray tank. Dispose of container to a suitable landfill or agricultural recycling scheme. Do not burn. Do not use container for any other purpose. ENVIRONMENTAL: Use this product carefully. Avoid unintentional contamination of aquatic environments. Spray drift or equipment contamination may cause serious damage to desirable plants. Do not allow spray drift outside the target area to occur. If accidental spraying occurs, immediately wash spray off foliage with plenty of water to minimize damage.

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type