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300 g/litre clopyralid Glyphosate as the isopropylamine salt 360 g/litre Paraquat 200 g/litre 680 g/litre 2,4-D as the ethylhexyl ester in the form of an A selective herbicide used to control clovers, yarrow, plantains, californian and other thistles in a range of crops, turf, forestry and pre-cultivation.

Functions: Herbicide

Herbicide Target Species: Broadleafs

HRAC/WSSA Group: 4

Application Technique: Sprayers

Formulation Type: Concentrate Solutions

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Knowde Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Agrochemical Functions

Features & Benefits

General Information

Void is absorbed by the plant through the leaves, stems and roots. It is translocated into the plant where it interferes with cell division and elongation. For optimum results, apply during good growing conditions when there is adequate soil moisture and weeds are growing actively. Applications during dry spells, cold conditions or when weeds are under stress, will reduce effectiveness. Ingredients: Void contains 300 g/liter of clopyralid as the active ingredient, and less than 10 g/liter of ethanolamine as a solubilser.

Applications & Uses

Application Technique
Herbicide Target Species

Exclude non-essential people from the area. Wear protective clothing and prevent material from entering waterways. Absorb spill with inert material such as soil, sand, etc, and place in a waste container. Wash area with water and detergent, and absorb with further inert material. Dispose of safely to a suitable landfill.

Directions For Use

It is an offense for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the New Zealand (Maximum Residue Limits of Agricultural Compounds) Food Standards.


Crop Weeds Rate Critical Comments
Asparagus Pre-cutting During cutting Post-harvest Californian thistles, thistles, Clovers and Yarrow 0.5 - 1.0 liter/ha 0.5 liter/ha 0.5 - 1.0 liter/ha Spray to within 3 days of cutting Do not cut within 3 days of application Apply over spears. Use directed application if spears are opening or ferns are present. Some damage may occur if sprayed over open spears or mature fronds
Beet – fodder and sugar beets Californian thistles and yarrow 0.5 - 1.0 liter/ha Apply after the 2 true leaf stage of the crop and before bulbous root formation
Field brassicas Californian and other thistles, yarrow 0.5 - 1.0 liter/ha Apply after the 2 true leaf stage of the crop and before the crop closes over.
Cereals Caution: Do not use treated straw for compost or mulch. Californian thistle and yarrow Volunteer potatoes 0.3 - 1.0 liter/ha 1 liter/ha Apply after the 2nd leaf but before the 2nd node crop stage. When tank mixing with other herbicides, use the timing recommended for that herbicide. Apply after full potato emergence but before tuber formation.


0.5 - 1 liter/ha 1 liter/ha

Crop Weeds Rate Critical Comments
Conservation tillage – brassicas, cereals, ryegrass Clovers, plantains, thistles Californian thistles Yarrow 0.5 - 0.7 liters/ha 1 liter/ha 1 liter/ha Apply to actively growing weeds. Apply from the rosette to early flower stage. Re-treatment may be needed. Apply to actively growing plants from autumn to spring. Surface cultivate no less than a week after treatment. Void can be tanked mixed with PQ 200™, Glyphosate 360 or Turbo™ 300 for increased weed control spectrum in conservation tillage. When tank mixing with other herbicides, use the timing recommended for that herbicide
Forestry – radiata pine Handgun application Mistblower application Gorse, broom, wattle 10 liters/ha plus 1 liter/ha Brush Off® plus a non-ionic surfactant 500 ml/100 liters of water 40 ml/liter of wate Spray over gorse and broom after flowering and during soft spring growth. Treat gorse up to 1 meter high for best results. For best results on wattles, apply to actively growing plants less than 2 meters tall. Green wattle is not controlled. Silver and brush wattle is controlled. Temporary light tree damage in the form of distortion may occur, particularly where trees are well above competing weeds. Obtain thorough coverage. Add a non-ionic surfactant. Use a No. 6 - 8 tip at 1000 - 2500 kPa. Add a non-ionic surfactant. For ULV spraying use 200 ml/liter of water with number 3 or 4 hole.
Maize, sweetcorn Californian thistle, bathurst bur, yarrow Volunteer potatoes Spray after the 3 expanded leaf stage of the maize but before the crop closes over. Apply after full potato emergence but before tuber formation.
Orchards – citrus, pipfruit, stonefruit Broadleaf weeds Refer to Turf For use in mature orchards to control susceptible weeds. Use as directed for turf amenity areas. Minimize contact with trees by direct spraying weeds.
Shelter and ornamental trees Broadleaf weeds 1 - 2 liters/ha Use rates for weeds present. Before use test tolerance on a small number of trees. Apply as a directed spray. Do not apply to legumes or Compositae.
Pasture Hard to Kill thistles See critical comments In pasture add 100 - 200ml/ha Void to Thistle KillemTM Ultra for hard to kill thistles.


Crop Weeds Rate Critical Comments
Turf and amenity areas Clover Californian thistles Other thistles Bathurst bur, daisy, dandelion, hawksbeard, hawkbit, medics, Onehunga weed, ox-eye daisy, plantains, annual and biennial thistles. Yarrow Catsear, fireweed Ragwort, sow thistle, lotus Cape daisy Hemlock Lupin Old mans beard Broom, gorse 0.7 liter/ha or 70 ml/100 liters water 1 liter/ha or 100 ml/100 liters water 0.5 liter/ha 1.0 liter/ha 1 liter/ha or 100ml/100 liters water. 1 liter/ha or 100ml/100 liters water. 1.5 liters/ha or 150ml/100 liters water 2 liters/ha or 200 ml/100 liters of water 1-2 liters/ha or 200ml/100 liters water 100ml/100 liters water 200ml/100 liters water 12 - 25 liters/ha or 500ml/100 liters water 500ml/100 liters water Apply to actively growing plants Apply during the bud stage but before flowering. Re-treatment may be needed. Apply from the rosette stage but before flowerin Apply during the bud-early flowering stage. Apply to actively growing plants. Apply to actively growing plants. More than one application may be needed on mature matted plants. Apply to actively growing plants. Apply to actively growing rosettes. For seedling or small multicrown ragwort mix 100 - 200mls of Void with Thistle KillemTM Ultra at label rates. Apply to actively growing rosettes. Use the lighter rate on seedlings. Apply to actively growing plants. Apply to actively growing plants. Apply to actively growing plants. Apply to actively growing plants between October and January.


Application Methods

Aerial: Apply 200 - 400 liters of water/ha. Use the half overlap opposite pass technique. Boom: Apply up to 300 liters water/ha using conventional boom equipment. Handgun: Use a No. 6 tip at 1000 - 2000 kPa and ensure complete coverage for high volume application. Mistblower: Use 40 ml/liter of water to control woody weeds. With a ULV attachment use 200 ml/liter of water using a number 3 or 4 hole. Thorough coverage is essential. Knapsack: Use 2ml/liter of water. Thorough coverage is essential. Weed wipers: To control Californian thistle use 250 ml with 10 liters of water.


Add the required quantity of Void to the spray tank partly filled with water, and maintain agitation through filling and spraying.


Do not spray if rain is expected within 3 hours of spraying.

Soil Residues

Do NOT plant peas, beans, clover, carrots, cucurbits, potatoes or tomatoes within 12 weeks of applying up to 0.5 liters/ha. In areas where more than 0.5 liters/ha has been applied, do NOT plant susceptible crops within 6 - 12 months. Within this time, check soil residues by planting out a small area first. Brassicas, cereal and ryegrass crops may be drilled anytime after application.


Void is damaging to clovers. Rates of 100ml/ha may severely depress clovers in pasture for 2 - 6 months. Higher rates will remove clover from pasture.


Formulation Type

Technical Details & Test Data


Void is compatible with most commonly used herbicides, as well as Chlor-PTM 480EC.

Safety & Health


APPROVED HANDLER: This product must only be sold to and used by an approved handler. STORAGE: Keep out of reach of children. Store in the original, tightly closed container away from foodstuffs. Storage of certain quantities of this product trigger specific storage requirements (Refer to Safety Note). When stored appropriately this product should show no significant degradation for two years from the date of manufacture. Contact your supplier for further information about the use of product that is older than this. PERSONAL PROTECTION: Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Avoid inhalation of spray mist. When mixing or applying, wear overalls, boots, gloves and eye protection. Clean protective clothing daily after work. Do not eat, drink or smoke while using. Remove protective clothing and wash hands and face thoroughly before meals and after work. USE: Apply with well maintained and calibrated spray equipment. DISPOSAL: Dispose of this product only by using in accordance with this label, or at a suitable landfill. Do not burn. Triple rinse container and add rinsate to the spray tank. Dispose of container to a suitable landfill or agricultural recycling scheme. Do not burn. Do not use container for any other purpose. ENVIRONMENTAL: Use this product carefully. Do not contaminate aquatic environments with product, spray drift or empty container. Spray drift or equipment contamination may cause serious damage to desirable plants. Do not allow spray drift outside the target area to occur.

Sprayer Cleanup

Thoroughly flush equipment using several rinses with water to avoid injury to subsequently sprayed crops.

Crop Residues

Do NOT compost or mulch clippings from treated areas for 6 months after treatment. Do NOT use straw from Void treated cereal crops for compost or mulch.

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type