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A systemic suspension concentrate insecticide for the control of insect pests in citrus, grapes, bananas and macadamias as listed.

Functions: Insecticide

IRAC Code: 4

Application Technique: Sprayers

Formulation Type: Suspension Concentrates

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Knowde Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Chemical Family
Agrochemical Functions
Active Ingredient

Clothianidin (neonicotinoid) - 200g

Applications & Uses

Application Technique
Directions For Use

Use only as indicated.

Mixing Instructions

Half fill the spray tank with clean water. Add the required quantity of SAMURAI 20SC. Fill the spray tank with water as well as the amount of oil needed to the required level while maintaining agitation to ensure thorough mixing of the spray mixture before spraying commences. Maintain agitation while spraying. Prepared spray mixture must not be left overnight in the spray tank. Ensure that agitation takes place for a few minutes prior to commencement of spraying after normal operational stops e.g. lunch break.

Application Instructions
  • To control citrus thrips the product should be applied as a light cover spray.
  • For the control of mealybug, a full cover application is required, ensuring that all above­ground parts of the tree are thoroughly wetted with spray mixture. N.B. Please note that when applications aimed at the control of citrus black spot are made, the application volumes are not sufficient (high enough) to control mealybug with SAMURAI 20 SC.
  • In order to accurately determine the application volume that should be used, please use the following calculation method:

Calculating the application volume:

Spray factor

                                                                   Light cover spray            Heavy cover spray

- Dense foliage (e.g. Grape fruit)                           1,3                               4,0

- Medium foliage (e.g. Valencias/Navels)               1,1                              3,33

- Light foliage (young trees, etc.)                           0,9                              2,67

Calculating the volume per 1 meter canopy height per 100m

-           If the spray factor 3,33 is:

3,33ℓ x 1m x 100m = 330ℓ / meter height/ 100m

 If canopy height is 2,5m and row spacing is 5m (20 rows / 100m) the application volume:

333ℓ x 2,5m x 20 = 16 500 liters water/ha






Injection    into         main sucker

Application timing:


(daughter plant):

Apply to                     main sucker (daughter

(Cosmopolites sordidus)

3ml per sucker

plant) when it reaches a height of
between 1.25 to 1.5m and after the


Stem     treatment     of main

bunch of mother plant is removed


sucker      (daughter plant):

(preferably within one month).


4.5ml      per     sucker directed



towards the base in a spray

Injection          into             main sucker


volume of 10ml per sucker.

(daughter plant):



Inject undiluted          into main sucker



(daughter       plant)     at           a                   height    of



150mm         above     the       soil surface.



The infection apparatus should be directed downwards and injected approximately 40mm deep in the surrounding leaf base and not into the center of the sucker.



Stem     treatment of main   sucker



(daughter    plant):      Only                        apply     to

green (active growing) main sucker



(daughter plant).  Do not apply if

rain is forecasted within 24 hours.



Do not irrigate orchards for at least



24 hours after application.











(Planococcus citri) and





Apply      as    a    single     full cover

application           at   100%                              petal             fall.

Ensure      thorough                      application    of
young fruit.

(Scirtothrips aurantii)









Follow       up     treatment                  with     a

registered mealy bug insecticide 14 to 21 days later in orchards with a history of mealy bug infestation or high infestation levels.





SAMURAI        20SC will    control first,

second and third instar Africa bollworm present during application, but later developed instar larvae will probably not be controlled.





Regular orchard         inpections should

be carried out post application of





SAMURAI         20SC          and registered

pesticides should be applied against insect pests present.

GRAPES (Table and Wine

Stem treatment:



Apply as a single application to the


0.1mL   applied



stem no later than 80% bud burst

MEALY BUG (Planococcus species)

water per vine.



with       a     Calibra applicator or hand

held vertical spray boom with full
cone      nozzles,         ensuring good

coverage of total stem base circumference to the point where the bark is drenched on all sides up to a height of 50cm. Apply in a spray volume of 500ml per vine. Monitor the vines at regular intervals from approximately four weeks after application for first signs of crawler movement. If any crawler movement is detected, apply a foliar application of an insecticide from a different mode of action (IRAC group code) which is registered for mealy bug control in grapes adhering to the label recommendations of such an insecticide.







Apply as a full cover spray. Start


+ 2mℓ SUMI-ALPHA 200 EW

the spray program for stink bug

Two Spotted Stinkbug


control during late October to early

(Bathycoelia distincta)


November and apply at least 4

Coconut bug


sprays at monthly intervals, utilizing

(Pseudotheraptus wayi)


different            mode        of action

Yellow Edged stinkbug


insecticides       to      control      this pest

(Chinavia pallidoconspersa)


complex.                Only      apply the






200 EW tank mixture spray as a block application consisting of two consecutive sprays. Do not apply more than two SAMURAI 20SC +



SUMI-ALPHA                     200      EW tank

mixture sprays per season and do
not alternate with any pyrethroid



(or          pyrethroid   containing)

insecticide sprays.






200 EW tank mixture spray was the last spray of the previous season for stink bug control, use an alternative mode of action insecticide for the first stink bug spray the following season. Do not apply the SAMURAI 20SC +



SUMI-ALPHA                   200      EW tank

mixture in macadamia orchards
where  insecticides containing

the active ingredient thiamethoxam is or was applied as a drench application during the same season OR where any other IRAC group 4A mode of action insecticides are applied during the same season as foliar or soil drench applications for any macadamia pests.



See     important        notes below

concerning bees and bee safety.


Formulation Type
Physical Form

Technical Details & Test Data


SAMURAI 20SC is compatible with BP Medium Spray Oil (Reg. No. L6491), Nemesis 100 EC (Reg No. L 6378), Nemesis (Reg. No. L7099) in citrus and with Sumi-Alpha 200 EW (Reg. No. L8821) in macadamias.

Safety & Health


Allow the following number of days between last application and harvest:

Bananas                                   200 days (Apply to main sucker (daughter plant) when 1.25 to 1.5m high after bunch of main plant has been harvested.

Grapes (Table and Wine)         90 days (Apply not later than 80% bud burst).

Citrus                                      120 days

Macadamias                           56 days

Handle with care.

Harmful when ingested, inhaled or absorbed through skin.

Extremely toxic to bees. Do not apply SAMURAI 20 SC in orchards or vineyards when bees are active or where flowering weeds are present. Prevent spray drift onto adjacent areas where bees may be present or active.

Store away from food and feeds and out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.

RE-ENTRY INTERVAL: Do not enter treated area within 1 day after treatment unless wearing protective clothing.

Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal climatic and storage conditions; compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the insect against the remedy concerned as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal or for lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier or registration holder in the event of any uncertainty.

  • Avoid any inhalation of spray mist and contact with concentrate.
  • Wear protective clothing - overalls, rubber boots, face-shield and gloves and wash contaminated clothing daily.
  • Wash with water and soap after use.
  • In case of contact with eyes, wash immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advice.
  • Do not eat, drink, or smoke during handling, application and before washing.
  • Clean applicator after use. Dispose of wash water where no contamination of dams, rivers, grazing or crops can occur.
  • Prevent spray from drifting to other crops, grazing and dams, and areas not under treatment.
  • Rinse empty container three times with a volume of water equal to a minimum of 10 % of that of the container. Add the rinsing to the contents of the spray tank before destroying the container in the prescribed manner.
  • Destroy empty container by perforation and do not use for any other purpose. Prevent contamination of food, feeds, eating utensils and drinking water.
Resistance Warning

SAMURAI 20SC is a group code 4A insecticide. Any insect population may contain individuals naturally resistant to SAMURAI 20SC and other group code 4A insecticides. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if these insecticides are used repeatedly. The resistant insects may not be controlled by SAMURAI 20SC or any other group code 4A insecticide.

To delay insecticide resistance:

  • Avoid exclusive repeated use of insecticides from the same insecticide group code. Alternate or tank mix with products from different insecticide group codes.
  • Integrate other control methods (chemical, biological, cultural) in an insecticide control program.

For specific information on resistance management contact the registration holder of this product.