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Littora® is a versatile, fast-acting, contact herbicide that controls unwanted floating, emersed, and submersed aquatic weeds in the water and along shorelines.

Functions: Herbicide

Herbicide Target Species: Aquatics

Application Technique: Foliage Applied, Sprayers

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Knowde Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Agrochemical Functions
Active Ingredient
Diquat dibromide (6,7-dihydrodipyrido(1,2-a:2',1'-clpyrazinedium dibromide) 37.3%
Other Ingredients 62.7%
TOTAL 100.0%
Contains 2 pounds diquat cation per one (1) U.S. gallon (3.73 pounds diquat dibromide per galon).


Features & Benefits

Product Highlights

Localized Control, Fast Results

Interfering with photosynthesis within green plant tissue, Littora is ideal for use on tough nuisance and exotic plants such as Parrot Feather, Coontail, Curly Leaf Pondweed, and Lily Pads.

Littora's diquat-based formula is immediately absorbed into the plant and begins working in minutes. Designed for use in fish, golf course, ornamental, and swimming ponds, Littora is safe for use in water bodies containing aquatic wildlife.

  • Floating and emersed weeds controlled in 1 to 5 days, submersed weeds in 15 days

This product is a nonvolatile herbicide for general weed control in:

  • Commercial greenhouses and nurseries;
  • Ornamental seed crops (flowers, bulbs, etc. - except in the state of California);
  • Landscape, industrial, recreational, commercial, residential, and public areas
  • Turf renovation (all turf areas except commercial sod farms)
  • Dormant established turfgrass (Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, nonfood or feed crop); and
  • Aquatic areas.

Absorption and herbicidal action is usually quite rapid with effects visible in a few days. This product controls weeds by interfering with photosynthesis that occurs within green plant tissue. Weeds should be succulent and/or actively growing for best results. Rinse all spray equipment thoroughly with water after use. Avoid spray drift to crops, ornamentals, and other desirable plants during application, as injury may result. Application to muddy water may result in reduced control. Minimize creating muddy water during aquatic application. Use of dirty or muddy water for diluting this product may result in reduced herbicidal activity. Avoid applying under conditions of high wind, water flow, or wave action. 

Applications & Uses

Application Technique
Herbicide Target Species
Agricultural Use Requirements

Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard (WPS), 40 CFR Part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the protection of agricultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and greenhouses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, notification, and emergency assistance. It also contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted-entry interval. The requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the WPS.

Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval (REI) of 24 hours.

PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the WPS and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is:

  • Coveralls over long-sleeve shirt and long pants:
  • Chemical-resistant gloves;
  • Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks; Protective eyewear; and
  • Chemical-resistant headgear for overhead exposure.
Non-Agricultural Use Requirements

The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR part 170). The WPS applies when this product is used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, nurseries, or greenhouses.

Keep all unprotected persons out of operating areas or vicinity where there may be drift.

For terrestrial uses, do not enter or allow entry of maintenance workers into treated areas, or allow contact with treated vegetation wet with spray, dew, or rain, without appropriate protective clothing until spray has dried. For aquatic uses, do not enter treated areas while treatments are in progress.

Directions for Use

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read the entire label. Use strictly in accordance with precautionary statements and directions for use, and with applicable state and federal regulations.

Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. Do not use this product for reformulation.


Physical Form

Safety & Health

Precautionary Statements

Hazards to Humans and Domestic animals


Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are: barrier laminate, butyl rubber 14 mils, nitrile rubber 214 mils.

Mixers, Loaders, Applicators and Other Handlers Must Wear:

  • Coveralls over long-sleeved shirt and long pants;
  • Chemical-resistant gloves;
  • Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks;
  • Protective eyewear,
  • Chemical-resistant headgear for overhead exposure;
  • Chemical-resistant apron when cleaning equipment, mixing, or loading; and
  • Face shield when mixing or loading.

Exception: After this product has been diluted to 0.50% or less in water (i.e., the labeled rate for some spot applications), applicators for AQUATIC SURFACE APPLICATIONS must, at a minimum, wear (Note: Mixers and loaders for this application method must still wear the PPE as described in the above section.):

  • Long-sleeved shirt and long pants;
  • Shoes plus socks;
  • Waterproof gloves; and
  • Protective eyewear

Exception: At a minimum, applicators for AQUATIC SUBSURFACE APPLICATIONS must wear (Note: Mixers and loaders for this application method must still wear the PPE as described in the above section.):

  • Short-sleeved shirt and short pants
  • Waterproof gloves
  • Chemical-resistant footwear plus socks.


Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been drenched or heavily contaminated with this product's concentrate. Do not reuse them. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables exist, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.


Mixers and loaders supporting aerial applications are required to use closed systems that provide dermal protection. The closed system must be used in a manner that meets the requirements listed in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR 170.240(d)(4)]. When using the closed system, mixers and loaders' PPE requirements may be reduced or modified as specified in the WPS.

When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or aircraft in a manner that meets the requirements listed in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides [40 CFR 170.240(d)(4-6)], the handler PPE requirements may be reduced or modified as specified in the WPS.


Users should:

  • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using
  • Remove clothing/PPE immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing.
  • Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean clothing.


This pesticide is toxic to aquatic invertebrates. For Terrestrial Uses do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash waters. For Aquatic Uses do not apply directly to water except as specified on this label.

Packaging & Availability

Country Availability
Packaging Type
Regional Availability
  • USA

Storage & Handling

Storage And Disposal

Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage and disposal.

Pesticide Storage: Keep pesticide in original container. Do not put concentrate or dilute into food or drink containers. Do not contaminate feed, foodstuffs, or drinking water. Do not store or transport near feed or food. Store at temperatures above 32°F

Pesticide Disposal: Open dumping is prohibited. Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray mixture, or rinsate is a violation of Federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label instructions, contact your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance.

Non-refillable Container Disposal (rigid, 5 gallons or less): Do not reuse or refill this container. Triple rinse container (or equivalent) promptly after emptying. Triple rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Fill the container V4 full with water and recap. Shake for 10 seconds. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Repeat the procedure two more times. Then offer the container for recycling (if available) or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or incineration, or if allowed by State and local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke.