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Specialty Alcohols

About Us

Where Innovation Distills into Quality

Welcome to Specialty Alcohols, your trusted partner in providing ultra-pure ethyl alcohol and spirits to serve a multitude of industries.

As a Distilled Spirits Plant (DSP), we take pride in our distinct capabilities and firm commitment to producing top-quality spirits. Our offerings cater to a wide range of industries, including beverage, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, and various industrial sectors.

Driven by a "Farm to Flask" approach, we harness the power of U.S.-grown corn, turning it into the purest form of ethyl alcohol. Every step of our production process is thoughtfully designed and rigorously monitored to maintain the highest levels of quality and purity.

Our operations are spread across two strategic locations in the East and West of the United States. Both sites are equipped with private railroad access, a feature that not only allows us to receive raw materials efficiently but also enables us to distribute our products across the country in a cost-effective, reliable manner.

We believe in the spirit of innovation, and our state-of-the-art facilities are testament to this. Our distilleries incorporate the latest technologies, ensuring that we meet and surpass industry standards while delivering exceptional service to our clients.

In the world of specialty alcohols, we stand out as a leader, setting new benchmarks and redefining excellence. Come, be a part of our journey.

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