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    Mighty Lube
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    "Patrick A. Brown of Fremont, Michigan founded Mighty Lube Systematic Lubrication, Inc in 1981. In 1985, Patrick used his extensive knowledge of conveyor lubrication to design a link counter lubrication unit. With this new system applied lubricant to conveyor components based on run cycles. His invention significantly changed the way conveyors were lubricated. Prior to this, most lubricators were simply run by timers or with on/off switches. This new lubrication system allowed for precise and consistent automatic lubrication of conveyor chain pins and trolley bearings.In 1987, a programmable digital board was developed. This advancement allowed for greater control and automation in the manufacturing industry. Up to this point, all the Mighty Lube lubricators were considered central lubrication systems. Central systems have a reservoir/pump at the floor level and lubricator head units are mounted on the conveyor line. Central lubrication systems are optimal for most large manufacturing facilities with multiple lines. In Mighty Lube’s research, they discovered a need for conveyor lubrication systems in smaller facilities. Small plants with only a couple of lines didn’t need a large, centralized system. So in 1989, Mighty Lube created and patented the self-contained lubrication unit. This unit design includes a small reservoir and lubrication unit, which are combined and mounted as one unit on the conveyor. Progressing from the digital board in 1992, Mighty Lube introduced a microprocessor board. Microprocessors can be programmed to precisely control the lubrication cycles as well as lubricant amounts. This new technology offered a versatile design with additional ports for lubrication options."


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